Historical attitudes toward menstrual pain were often dismissive. Pain was often attributed to women’s emotional or psychological states or to misconceptions about sexual behaviours. Discrediting these theories, research data now has concrete physiologic explanations for menstrual pain.
Yet, the large majority of women grimace through their agony in silence. Ignorance and stigmas related to menses still persist, and it is causing a lot of women their right to live a healthy life. The general squeamishness around the subject is both ridiculous and harmful.
Physiologically explaining, at the time of menstruation, uterine muscles contract vigorously in order to expel the uterine lining. These contractions are triggered by hormone-like substances called prostaglandins. Hence higher the amount of prostaglandins, more vigorous contractions, more severe the cramps.
What is then, a normal period pain?
Menstrual cramps feel like a throbbing or cramping pain in your lower abdomen. You may also feel pressure or a continuous dull ache in the area. The pain may radiate to your lower back and inner thighs.
Cramps usually begin a day or two before your period, peaking around 24 hours after your period starts. They typically last for two to three days.
Period pain is only considered ‘normal’ if:
  • the pain is there only on the first one or two days of your period
  • the pain goes away if you take period pain medications or use the contraceptive pill
  • your ability to do your normal activities is not impaired.
If the pain is not like this, it is not normal!

How do you know if your pain is abnormal?
For unknown reasons, some women produce more prostaglandins leading to more intense period pains. In some other cases, there are underlying medical conditions like endometriosis, uterine fibroids that are known to cause violent period pains.
Let me put down a quick checklist for you, on when to be concerned about your monthly cramps.
  • If your period pain is so bad that you need to call off work on a regular basis, it is not normal. According to studies, between 5% and 20% of women experience painful periods that interfere with their daily life. It’s not rare. But it’s not normal, either!
  • You are rolling on the floor from pain, shoving in painkillers every hour, nauseating, throwing up..none of these are normal!
  • If pains like period pain appear at times besides your period. Your cramps can begin on the day or even a day before bleeding starts. But it certainly shouldn’t last more than 3 days.
  • If your menstrual cramps last more than 3 days, you should speak to your doctor.
  • Get yourself checked if you notice any other symptoms accompanying your cramps, like:
            -Heavy bleeding
           -irregular periods
           -difficulty to conceive
           -pain during sex
           -pain while passing stools
  • If your pain started long after your first menses. Normally your period pain should start from the first few bleeding cycles. If you never had period pain in the early years or experienced only mild cramps initially, and your pain worsened over the years, it is certainly a cause for concern. 
Unfortunately, complaints of pain coming from women are sometimes dismissed by those in the medical profession too. 
You might have already been to doctors concerning your pains, and was sent back on a ‘you’re just fine’ note. Family might convince you that ‘it is just part of being a woman’. But if you think your pain is worrying, do not hesitate to seek further medical care.
Some of the possible causes for period pain, like endometriosis, might take years to get diagnosed. Hence it is important that you keep asking for help until you are heard. 
Homoeopathy has a number of excellent medicines for the complaint, to be given based on peculiar features of each case, after a thorough case taking session. Remember that there is definitely a better solution than keeping quiet, pursing your lips and simply hugging the hot water bottle tighter against your abdomen!
P.S.: Do not let financial constraints deter you from accessing quality health care. Let us know, we are happy to help you 🙂
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